Search Pediatric aspects. Adolescence and neurological diseasesAnálisis de situación de las remisiones a SIFCO en la CV.Vaccination calendar in other countries.Newborn screening for SMA.Palliative care.Endocrinopathies and neurogenetic disorders.Mitochondrial diseases.Diseases peroxisomal.Rare diseases in the school.Equipment-specific intervention in childhood and adolescence (EIIA)Nutritional strategies in PCIInternet secure for kids.Cardiomyopathies in neuromuscular diseases.Nirsevimab en neurología pediátrica.Pediatric dentistry in special patients.Orphan AnesthesiaPaciente crónico complejo.Palivizumab in children with neurological disorders.Protocol health Down syndromeNewborn Screening in other countries Clinical method. When to suspect a genetic disease?Family history.Red flags of neurodevelopment (red flags).Bibliography essential for the consultation of pediatric neurology.Clonus ankle.Deformities of the skull.Development of the drawing.Development of the dream.Motor development.Normal development of the game.Socio-emotional development.Corrected age and prematurity.Elements of morphology.Scale of strength MRC.Scales of infant development.Exploration dismorfológica.Exploration neurocutaneous.Neurological examination of more than 3 years:Neurological examination of the child.Exploration neurooftalmológica pediatric Neurological diseases. When do you suspect an error congenital metabolism?Base de datos SCN1A.Beyond The Pediatric Epilepsy Program.Bilirrubin induced neurological dysfunction (spectrum disorders, encephalopathy by bilirubin).BIS.CDG roadmap.Child Muscle WeaknessCytomegalovirus congenital.Classification of epilepsies of the ILAE Task Force.Coenzyme Q10 (Decorenone).Newborn screening for SMA.Crisis benign-associated gastroenteritis.Febrile seizures. Infographics.Criteria for the diagnosis of cerebral palsy child.Diagnostic criteria of ASD.Criteria to be attributed causally to the cerebral palsy at an event perinatal.Cromatinopatías.Questionnaires quantification of symptoms of ADHD.Diagnosis comorbid ASD-DI and genetic diagnosis.Disfemia-stuttering. Complementary explorations. When to suspect a genetic disease?Family history.Base de datos SCN1A.Beyond The Pediatric Epilepsy Program.Karyotype in the era of the aCGH:How to understand a report of sequencing.ConsanguinityNewborn screening for SMA.Criterios de patogenicidad de la ACMG.Criteria of realization of aCGH.Cromatinopatías.Chromosomes in the ring.Decipher Genome BrowserGross deletions intragenic (exon-level deletions).Dystonias genetic treatment “healing”.Double trouble. Several genetic diseases in the same individual.Transmissible epilepsy and development.Genetic diseases in minoritary populations.Disease linked to the X of special relevance neurogenetics.Metabolic diseases are linked to X. Administrative procedures.What do you need college to a report neuropediátrico?What you need to the pediatric neurologist a school report?Ayudas técnicas.Scholarships and grants MEyFPEncodings diagnostic.Informed consent for exchange of information.Dependence.Disability.Education based on the evidence.The children with academic problems.The children with conduct problems.Guide for teachers on child neurology.Report neuropediátrico.Internet secure for kids.Drugs and school.PATI (personal Assistant).Procedure for referral to a CSUR and SIFCOProcedure for the application of 2nd medical opinionProcedure for the application of free choice of doctor.Grant CUME (care of children with cancer or serious illness). Treatments.Early CareCoenzyme Q10 (Decorenone).Corrected age and prematurity.Clinical TrialsStrategy of Acquired Brain InjuryAntiepileptic drugs.Master formulaSlt health.Orphan drugsOrphan AnesthesiaPCI: Treatments with scientific evidence.Pseudotherapies.Therapeutic resources and non-drug for children with t. neurodevelopmental disorders.Network of associations of Camp de Morvedre.Technologies aumentativas and alternative communication.Compassionate use, medication, foreign and drug use out-of-specification (out-of-the technical data sheet). Entries recently published Test de Haizea-Llevant.Protocolo de tratamiento farmacológico del SLG.Enfermedades monogenéticas en GeneReviewsSíndrome Angelman-like.Las matemáticas aplicadas a la evaluación del neurodesarrollo.Supervisión del desarrollo psicomotor. AEPAP.UCSC Genome Browser.Hemicerebelitis.Ayudas técnicas.Medicina de precisión en epilepsia genética.Base de datos SCN1A.BIS.Nistagmo optocinético.Exploración neurológica del niño crítico.Indicadores clínicos de PCI genética.Nirsevimab en neurología pediátrica.GMFCS E&R.BFMF escala motora fina PCISARA escala ataxiasExoma clínico, first tier?